"KURINJI FOREST TOURS" - H.Q: Thiruvananthapuram & Regional Office: Coimbatore. We are arranging tours to several attractive locations including places of worship in South India. We are also locating to ECO-tourism spots situated in hill region. The lush trap ice forces, roaring and gurgling water falls, exotic wide life ,monuments , art forms and festivals of Kerala are mind blowing. These spots offer enough attractions for a life time memory; soothing and pleasing on recollection. Our tour packages in details are sorted individually. The most thrilling and attractive days of your life are one call away from "Kurinji Forest Tours.
The small state of Kerala, which represents just 1% of the land mass, is considered to be one of India's most beautiful state. It is a very rural state with most of the population living in villages but is culturally and scenically diverse. Kerala has two national parks, ten wildlife sanctuaries and two bird sanctuaries.

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